First Web-site for Single Traditional Catholics! This is a place where you can meet other single traditionally minded Catholics through our mailing list. It is also a place to share ideas and concerns that we as singles have that may differ from the older or grownup group of Traditional Catholics. After all, we are going to be the leaders of the next century's Catholic Traditional Church Movement.
What is Traditional Catholicism? I have had several people define this differently. I believe that first you should believe as a True Catholic all the Dogmas of the Church especially "Extra Ecclesia Nulla Salus"--Outside the Church There is No Salvation. See the Dogma Page for more information on this.
Secondly, you should be traditionally minded in the fact that the Latin Tridentine Mass is a more Faithful way of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. I understand that some people don't have access to this Mass. I would ask if you join our "St. Raphael's List" that you please specify which Mass you attend--Latin (SSPX, FSSP, Indult, Independent Latin Mass).
Thirdly, I believe you should be a modest person in dress, word, action because Our Lady of Fatima spoke to Jacinta about the bad fashions of our day. This means women should dress modestly at most times in skirts, jumpers and modest blouses/tops (not sleeveless or halter tops). Men should also wear Shirts at all times and pants. In public, one should dress modestly at all times. Other issues: Traditional Catholics should never receive Communion on the hand, say dirty words, do bad things, attend "christmastic" Masses, etc. I believe we are in the end times, and we should try to say the Rosary Daily and wear the scapular! Now about myself, my name is Julieanne Arreguin. I am 28 years old and designed this web-site with God's help and with Microsoft Publisher! I am a single Traditional Catholic and attend Latin Mass. Please join our e-mail group at SingleTradCatholics@onelist.com. See Link Page. Please sign our guestbook! I would like to know you visited. Julieanne, Web-Site Coordinator